Saturday, September 11, 2010


I just got back from India a little more than 2 weeks ago.

Here's some pictures from the orphanage I went to.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


my 'big' sister in age, height, and smarts. we talk on the phone almost daily... atleast when i'm at school. she can really rock the skinny jeans with her long legs. she's a pretty good model... some of the best shots are totally candid.


we were childhood best friends and are still pretty close. she's going into nursing at suu. since i go to usu in logan, we don't see eachother very often. over the weekend of the 4th of july she came up and i was home, so we went on a little photoshoot and here are the results:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


she's my bff. we love to take pictures together. we do it almost weekly, atleast in the summer. we're both pretty good looking, so we get some good pics. last week we went to salt lake and then a little field by my house. these are my favorites that i took of her.